Make every bite count with these easy and delicious recipes for the fall and winter seasons.
Black Bean and Sweet Potato Quesadillas | Citrus Salad | Spaghetti and Spinach Pesto | Colorful Quesadillas |
Leafy Tofu | Lentil Minestrone | Orange Glazed Skinless Chicken Wings | Oven Roasted Chicken | Pear in Orange Sauce |
Physical Activity
Regular physical activity is important for good health at any age, ability, shape, or size. Find fun activities you enjoy that fit your lifestyle and do what moves you! Children and adolescents need 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (such as jogging or running) every day. Adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity (such as brisk walking) and 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity each week. Have fun moving together as a family with these music and dance videos.